Taking a Stand on Trumpism

Follow my logic here please:

  1. A certain percentage of the population are total assholes.

  2. I will not, under any circumstances, abide by their behaviour, regardless of their other redeeming qualities. The story below is one example of this. I am a generally tolerant person, but I will not tolerate behaviour like this.

  3. Anyone who does accept, condone, or even ignore behaviour like this is part of the problem. That doesn’t make them as bad as these people, but they are still having a negative impact on the world by not fighting against crap like this.

  4. Trump, at best, is guilty of point #3. As a leadership figure, he needs to set an example, and loudly, repeatedly, and unequivocally reject behaviour like this when it’s done in his name. There’s a good chance that he’s worse than this, by encouraging those guilty of point #1. He might be a #1’er himself too – he’s done more to convince than dissuade us of that.

  5. Anyone who (intentionally) voted for Trump is guilty of point #3, even if they had completely valid and true reasons for hating Hillary. This also applies to the crowd who “took him seriously but not literally.” Even if these people were looking past the rhetoric and voting for Trump based on policy (stated or expected), they are still part of the problem because they are enabling this behaviour.

  6. This is exactly why I’m going to do what I can to fight this tide here in my homeland. Both Canada and Alberta specifically show signs of a similar pattern, and I’m not going to take it lying down. Kellie Leitch, I’m looking at you specifically. Trying to convince people with FB posts like this is one thing I’m doing; there will be more beyond this.

I ask that my friends do something similar.


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